Tuesday, April 16, 2024

From Nakba to anexation & apartheid since 75 years of historical injustice and continued crimes

By : Ambassador Marwan Toubassi

75 years and the Nakba continues ,
It is not a memory, but rather a continued criminal condition as long as the last displaced child remains on the doorstep of his exile home in the camp waiting to return to his homeland in freedom , justice and peace .

There will be no legitimacy of existence for those who deny the legitimacy and reality of the indigenous people being the owner of their homeland .

Some memories permeate our very existence and penetrate our collective consciousness for generations. Survivors of Nakba(catastrophe)among them my family who were forcly displaced from Yaffa “Jaffa” continue to preserve these indelible memories in every wrinkle lining their faces and in every cell and fragment of bone in their bodies that continues to remember the assaults against their homes, human dignity, and existence. Each remembered grievance swims in their veins like pieces of hardened shrapnel that never dissolved in time. And while there are some things we must forget in order to heal and survive, some things we simply cannot afford to as our national inlligble rights are not met yet.

Survivors remember the loss of innocence that every generation to come would possess as result of the slaughters that were committed in Palestine at that time.
More than one single incident in Palestinian memory, continues to stand out, not because of the bloodshed or gruesomeness of those massacres but because of the depth of its injury. It became a haunting symbol of the Palestinian Nakba, which sparked 950,000 Palestinians to flee their homes and the killing of many in one of the heinous crimes of history , and the establishment of the State of Israel that was predicated on the erasure of Palestine.

Today when Israel not as a colonial occupation power only , but as a radical fascist ultra religious regime that implements the jewish supremacy as an apartheid against the non jews and is following the biblical narative of the kingdom of israel on the expense of my people rights can not be considered a democracy .

I don’t write about those mascares to recount the details of the unspeakable horrors – the mutilated bodies, rape and theft, children slaughtered in their mothers’ arms, and bodies riddled with bullets and disemboweled by the “Irgun” , “Itsel” “Haganah” and other terrorist zionist militant groups .

Today, I remember those mascares and force displacement and ethnic cleansing as a testament that Nakba is not over , that its precedent remains eternal. I remember that a sense of responsibility is increasingly attenuated when it comes to Palestine, and that the ongoing ethnic cleaninsing of the Palestinian people, starting with the Nakba , was not just ‘allowed’ to occur.

Seventy five years later, the stone homes of 458 Palestinian villiges that were demolished remain standing near in some miles in clear sight of the “Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum” , a shrine where every known victim of the Nazi genocide is currently recorded. They stand with stubborn determination as chilling reminders of the slaughters that remain a bloodstain on the conscience of those in this world who stood by and did nothing to intervene to put an end to the 75 years of continues Nakba of my people through policies of apertihide, colonization, anexation, daily cold bloded killings in average of one Palestinians daily since beginning of only this year 2023 , collective arrests and many other violations of international law and UN resolutions by Israel the colonial occupying power, that destroy the idea of any remaining prospects for peace, security and the establishment of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem its capital on basis of the international concensus of the two state solution on basis of the pre 4th of June 1967 borders which I used to see as the only way for stability and just peace in our region besides implementing the right of self determination to my people in our stolen land as well the implementation of UN resolution 194.

This international concensus that we as Palestinians and our sole representative PLO have accepted , in a manner that it will lead towards an independent sovereign Palestinian state on just only 22% of the total historic land of Palestine .

This solution is being now an illusion due to the ill legal existence of 750000 colonial Jewish settlers in more than 240 colonial settlements on this land that was occupied in 1967 which resulted in a Swiss cheese nature of those territories , the continued ethnic cleansing measures by the israeli occupation regime and its denial for implementing this solution in the land that they consider the “Greater Israel” where colonization and apertihide is the ongoing regime order there , is resulting in one aperthide state solution on all the historic land of palestine with Jewish supremacy due to the silence of the international community that is closing eyes and ears unfortunately , and without holding its ethical , political and legal responsibilities for lifting the ongoing historical injustice against my people that started 75 years ago when we were uprooted from our homeland.

Now , this colonial zionist project that was implanted by the support of the West colonial powers to serve their interests in our region on the expense of solving the Jewish question in the original communities that the jews used to live in , and on our people and national rights expense , should be defeated to pave the road for just peace , democracy and justice for all people in our region .

On the other hand and In this regard and in the face of the accelerating international political changes and in order to preserve the values of democracy and human rights that the European peoples paid a great price for its maintenance and preservation due their history . Europe must liberate itself from the domination of savage American foreign policies that stood always defending as a result the sustainability of the israeli colonial occupation . Europe should pay attention to its political and economic interests and the prosperity of its people. These are things that does not concern the United States , who wants to keep its hegemony as the unipolar power , and expose Europe to a new ugliness, as happened during World War II, where the USA was not effected , even one house glass did not break there at those times .

It is also necessary to inciate a wide popular European prograssive movement to confront the American proxi wars and the ugly neo-Nazi movements that have begun to rise with the support of the United States and Israel who are meddling in different parts of the world against the democracy , sovereignty and the peoples’ right of self determination .

Today the 15th of May and for the first time in modern history, the commemoration of the beginnings of the Nakba crime is being commemorated in the United Nations, which is an evidence of the awareness of peoples and countries of the depth of this human and political tragedy, that must be resolved by establishing access to the Palestinian national rights.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Palestinian Media Center In Europe.

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